Debut novel by David James an unforgettable adventure

Debut novel by David James an unforgettable adventure

THE latest release by Australian author, David James will take you on a journey of courage and adventure, with his first novel, Altāsia Legends | Valley of Mystics now available.

It was at a young age that David James found his love for the written word. He enjoyed sitting quietly and reading a range of genres with his favourites including history and science-fiction. At age 14, he found his passion for writing and began penning the Altāsia Legends series.

David said, “I am very excited to have published this novel. It has been in the works for 21 years and is a dream realised.

“The story follows the main character Derik, who was orphaned on the island of Altāsia as a young boy. Derik dreamed of nothing more than to journey the great land of legend, and when he sets out on his journey, he soon learns just how deep the secrets of Altāsia’s past run. The people of Altāsia are about to confront what history has only hinted at and its inhabitants no longer dare to whisper.

“With the growing presence of evil creeping through Altāsia shifting the balance between purity and darkness, the book delves into the fables of the past that would rather be forgotten.

“Altāsia Legends | Valley of Mystics will take readers on a journey of magic, adventure and courage, where you get to follow Derik on his quest to save Altāsia.

Altāsia Legends | Valley of Mystics is available in paperback and eBook. To purchase a copy, visit or search for “Altāsia Legends Valley of Mystics” at